Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : 419 via hotmail [in english]

12.09.2005, 13:50

Some of you may know me via the 'MuguWise' DB, that's how I found
you ;)

Since June 25/26 there has been an 'explosion' of 419 scams via
'hotmail.msn.com' at my spamtraps and while I'm currently trying
to headbutt MSN about that I'm looking for 'more evidence' from
other sources.

The *best* thing to would be posting *any* spam/scam to:

with as subject: [email] $subject / $from, $dropbox

But just posting your hotmail-based scams is OK by me ;)

use the subject: [email] [419 via hotmail] / $subject / $from, $dropbox

As far as I know MSN *does* sometimes search that newsgroup and
kills accordingly (two weeks too late).

See: http://groups.google.nl/groups?q=[419+%2B+hotmail.msn.com&start=0&scoring=d&hl=en&

Thank you, and keep up the good work ;)

Dr. K (MuguWise)

12.09.2005, 15:59

Should you have any suggestions, comments on the current database,
feel free to mail me at 'malleteer [at] lumbercartel.nl'.

There are plans to merge the data with dutch ISP's and such.

That way we can try to be a bit more up to date and have a broader
search available.

Have a nice day.